The Labour party 2017 UK general election manifesto – An analysis

The Labour party 2017 UK general election manifesto – An analysis

The first in a new mini-series, analysing the manifestos of the major political parties at the 2017 UK general election.

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Household Dog says:

Labour has written the world's longest political suicide note.

James Fussell says:

Will you do an analysis of the Green Party manifesto?

Mangus Greyforge says:

you going to watch the Jeremy paxman interviews with May and corbyn at half eight?

Chris&Schwally says:

Kev do you think Labour can win?

The Nightmare Rider says:

Why not have an analysis of the Green Party? They're technically bigger than UKIP as they have more MPs in parliament, and actually showed up to the debates with one of their leaders (Caroline Lucas) when both the May and Corbyn declined to show.

Tomas Roberts says:

Are you going to cover the co-operative party manifesto as well?

ahouyearno says:

I'm personally very very happy that a major party in a major country is putting re-nationalization on the table.

If I were Corbyn, I'd just confiscate those companies for a symbolic pound. The cronies who profited from them for years got their dividends, now it'll go back to the people.

The only thing I really disagree with in the manifesto is Scotland. Scotland wants to be in the EU. That's why they voted against independence less than 3 years ago. If the westminster government leaves the EU, Scotland has a right to stay. The people have spoken loudly and clearly TWICE on the matter.

Tom Mannington says:

I was very impressed with Labour's manifesto. I assumed it wouldn't be that good, given like brexiters on the Tory benches he had spend so much of his time as an outsider protesting about about certain things and his own party that when it came down to it he and his team wouldn't actually have a plan. Leaking it was a stroke of genius not only so it couldn't be changed but also so that people were talking about it far earlier than the Tory's tyre fire of a manifesto.
I am slightly worried that people are pushing the "fully costed" aspect given Brexit is likely to be a fiscal black hole, and there is nothing in this that addresses it.

hitchhiker says:

Do a video on Wonder Woman's women only screening

JoeyJoJo says:

Glad to see you posting back on the main channel, Kev!

LaMorte says:

Wait until you get to the first paragraph of the UKIP manifesto. It'll give you a laugh.

JohnnyTheWolf says:

One of the many things I really do not get about Brexit is why Nigel Farage was allowed to resign from UKIP and basically run away like that after his camp's victory at the referendum? If he cared that much about the "independence" of the United Kingdom, why has he not remained in charge of the whole process alongside fellow Brexiters?

Nick Balis says:

You spelled "labor" wrong.

Flavor, valor, honor, color, armor…

Nathan Drake says:

The current polling average has the Conservatives at 45.16% and Labour at 33.87%. UKIP's obsolescence is a massive gain for the Conservatives, giving them the edge in marginal Labour seats. It is far from tight, and I wouldn't get your hopes up.

AnotherVolvoxFan says:

Wooooh, Kev is back.

Alorian Kolor First Officer of The Army of Kekistan says:

I'm voting UKIP, They support socially and economic liberal values like free speech while significantly reducing immigration.

Adam Chester says:

None of the UK parties are any good, they are all LIBERALS, UKIP, LABOR, CONSERVATIVE AND GREEN ALL LIBTARDS.

Laurence Wylie says:


XI XXY says:

if only Theresa would debate. JC could ask her–
1. Will you confirm that 10 million pensioners will lose their Winter Fuel Payments if the conservatives are re-elected?
2. At what level will the cap be set on social care costs that those with conditions such as dementia will have to pay under Tory plans?
3. Will you match Labours pledge not to raise personal National Insurance contributions, and not to raise Income Tax for 95% of taxpayers?
4. Will you confirm you are planning another 5 years of austerity, as the IFS stated last week?
5. You have said you would scrap free school meals for 5-7 year olds if re-elected. Will you let us know the realistic costing for your school breakfast proposal, now you’ve withdrawn your discredited 6.8p per meal figure?
6. Can you confirm you are proposing not a single penny of extra funding for the NHS, as the IFS has stated?

M. Gilley says:

My favorite thing about Corbyn is the right of first refusal. It's a brilliant way to keep factories from going overseas, and it helps build a cooperative/worker owned sector of the economy. If that gets strong enough, there's a lot of revolutionary potential there. Bernie's been trying to encourage coops here, too, it's just too bad the DNC treats him like leper they need to keep around to seem relevant.

d3WλU says:

does keynes' economic theories count as soft socialism, or soft capitalism? bc they seem to be most of this manifesto, and labour is traditionally to the left

adam harrison says:

a vote for labour is a vote for child rape and terrorism fuck labour im going ukip

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