Results from the most recent opinion poll about Welsh
independence arrived just when I was packing for my holidays. Hence my
uncharacteristic silence thus far about the findings. But it has been useful to
have time to examine the results before commenting.
The poll was commissioned by Plaid Cymru, but conducted by
YouGov according to their standard methods. (YouGov, as most readers of this
blog will be aware, also conduct the Welsh Political Barometer polls). The
findings engendered plenty of comment, particularly from independence
supporters, with some suggesting that poll showed rising support for their
cause. Perhaps inevitably, there was also some push-back from opponents; the First
Minister was quoted as saying that there was ‘no appetite’ for independence in
A few thoughts on this – which I suspect will please almost no-one with strong views on the matter.
First, and at the risk of rehearsing some overly basic
points, we should remember…