British General Elections – From 1708 – 2019

British General Elections – From 1708 – 2019

The video below features every British general election there has been under HM’s government, starting in 1708 after the Acts of Union between England and Scotland. The video continues until the current most recent election in 2019.  Enjoy!

Additional info and clarifications about the video:

During the period 1708 – 1721, there was no prime minister until Robert Walpole became Britains first PM in 1721. Therefore in this video, this symbol (✓) shows who the largest party is after each election in that time period. Starting with the election of 1722 this symbol (✓) shows who becomes the PM after every general election until the most recent one in 2019.

The video does not show Prime Ministers who were appointed between elections, except if or when they later won or lost an actual General Election.   Example:  Neville Chamberlain never led his party in an election, while Winston Churchill was appointed his successor upon the outbreak of WWII but never won an election until 1951. 

“The Whig Junto” is the name given to the group of leading Whigs who were seen to direct the whig party, during the reign of King William III and Queen Anne.

In the election of 2010, Cameron and Clegg formed the first coalition in British history to be formed directly from an election outcome. After negotiations, Cameron became Prime Minister, and Clegg became Deputy Prime Minister.

The full list of elected British Prime Ministers in the order that they served from 1708 until present day is as folloiws:

      1. John Somers
      2. Robert Harley
      3. Whig Junto
      4. Robert Walpole
      5. Henry Pelham
      6. Thomas Pelham-Holles
      7. Frederick North
      8. William Pitt
      9. Henry Addington
      10. William W. Grenville
      11. William H. C. Bentinck
      12. Robert B. Jenkinson
      13. Arthur Wellesley
      14. Charles Grey
      15. William Lamb
      16. Robert Peel
      17. John Russell
      18. Edward G. G. S. Stanley
      19. Henry John Temple
      20. William E. Gladstone
      21. Benjamin Disraeli
      22. Spencer C. Cavendish
      23. William E. Gladstone
      24. Robert A. T. G. Cecil
      25. William E. Gladstone
      26. Robert A. T. G. Cecil
      27. Henry C. Bannerman
      28. Herbert H. Asquith
      29. David Lloyd George
      30. Andrew Bonar Law
      31. James R. MacDonald
      32. Stanley Baldwin
      33. James R. MacDonald
      34. Stanley Baldwin
      35. Clement R. Attlee
      36. Winston L. S. Churchill
      37. Robert Anthony Eden
      38. Maurice Harold Macmillan
      39. James Harold Wilson
      40. Edward R. G. Heath
      41. James Harold Wilson
      42. Margaret H. Thatcher
      43. John Major
      44. Anthony C. L. Blair
      45. David W. D. Cameron
      46. Theresa Mary
      47. A. Boris de Pfeffel Johnson


Ze Emperor on youtube.

Rallings, C. Thrasher, M. (2017). British Electoral Facts 1832-2006. Routledge. 320 pages.

UK Parliament. (2020). House of Commons.
[]. Accessed 21. August 2020.


British National Anthem.

The British Grenadiers March.

Home Base Groove by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (…)



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