
Welcome to The General Election!  Thank you for visiting.

The primary purpose of this site is to share knowledge and information about General Elections in the UK.

TheGeneralElection.net is a News Site, focused mainly on the UK, covering elections and related topics historically and in the present, in an impartial and informative manner.

It also enables users to post and share news stories, subject to editorial review and approval.

Absolutely no mis-information, defamation or hate speech in any form whatsoever is allowed.

We feature General Election News, UK Politics, Election Stories and analysis

Users can submit and share relevant News Stories, which are vetted before publication to the site.

It is an impartial News reporting site, though differing personal opinions may be reflected within individual articles and/or submissions. It is ‘non-party political’.

This site was really built with you in mind and we hope you will find it useful. Your comments or questions are of course always welcome on the Contact Page.

Thanks for stopping by!




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